Guide to All the other information of vision care

A variety of nutrients for eye health

Having a good eating habit can be of great benefit to your long and healthy lifetime. Good nutrition not only contributes to healthy body but also to your confidence. A lot of studies show that starting good habits when you are young plays a vital role in maintaining healthy vision and may reduce risks of certain eye problems such as cataracts. For a good vision, you should pay attention to key vitamins and nutrients which are very important to keeping your eyes healthy.

Eye exams are crucial for the health of eyes

Regular comprehensive eye exams are crucial for both adults and children to maintain eye health. An eye exam can help adults not only formulate and update their eyewear prescription, but also search for any sign of common eye diseases. For children, eye exams are even more important since vision is so closely related to their study. If they have poor vision or image interpretation, they are most likely to have a poor performance in their study. Parents should take children to a related professional doctor for an eye examination as soon as they get a reading or learning difficulty, in order to find out the potential vision root.

Two types of essential fatty acids

Excessive fat is always associated with obesity, but normal level of fat is essential to our health. Proper kinds and mount of fats help maintain our body’s function and overall health including eyes. Fatty acids are indispensable in forming fats. These nutrients help in the normal production and functioning of cells, muscles, nerves and organs as well as the regulation of blood pressure, heart rate and blood clotting. Omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids are two types of essential fatty acids, which can only acquired from external foods. The human body can not produce these essential fatty acids.
