Guide to Eye Health

Different aspects of eye care

Here are some necessary changes for people who never thought about caring their eyes. Regular eye care is needed by every individual. Keep in mind of the following aspects of eye care.

Nutrients and eye exercises for good eyesight

The eye is responsible for sensing light and transmitting these signals to the brain through the optic nerve. The eyes are acknowledged by the vast majority of people as one of the most important organs of the body. In this case, maintaining good eyesight by protecting the eyes is quite essential. What’s more, prevention is better than cure.

Mistakes associated with eye exercises

Eye exercises are currently done by many people who want to improve their vision in a natural way. However, a common phenomenon is that a person maintains eye exercises every day for several months but there is no sign of vision improvement. This situation can be quite disappointing.

Types of eye exercises

Physical activity is also needed by the eyes to maintain health, prevent deterioration as well as overcome damage. Normal people’s perception of the world is directly linked to the visual system. With clear vision, people can see the beauty of nature, the sadness of strife as well as the joys of others’ faces. In addition, healthy eyes can make individuals to be aware of pleasures and dangers.

Eye injury prevention for farmers

Eye protection is very important for farmers because there are many hazards on the farm. Since the eyes are so precious that they deserve the most careful protection. These hazards such exposure to chemicals, dust, flying objects, farm equipment should be avoided. Any eye injury caused by these hazards can be devastating.

Simple eye muscle exercises for eye health

Some eye muscle exercises are beneficial to the eyes and eyesight. These simple exercises such as shifting the focus and blinking can make a difference to one’s eyesight.

Some facts about lutein supplements

There are many commercials advocating that lutein is beneficial to eye health. These commercials are mostly posted by supplement promoters or manufacturers. This article describes something beyond these commercials.

Omega-3 fatty acids beneficial to eye health

Retina is one of the most important parts of the eye. Modern studies have found out that different eye parts can benefit from different nutrients. For retina, omega-3 fatty acids are particularly beneficial. This group of acids is a major component of the retina. In detail, Docosahexaenoic acid or DHA accounts for 60% of the fatty acids in the retina. So it is quite reasonable that omega-fatty acids are commonly recommended to support the eye health.

Pinhole glasses for visual benefits

Pinhole glasses are widely reported to improve vision. The brain will adjust the visual focus while a person is gazing at a blurred object. And pinhole glasses help the brain to find the focal point, improving sharpness of the image.

Misconceptions of natural vision improvement

Many people may have tried various methods of natural vision improvement. However, the fact shows that very few individuals can get a success. Reports from experienced doctors also point out that the vision rebuilding rate among students is quite low. It is just a disappointing fact.
