Guide to All the other information of vision care
- Computer glasses selections
Another reason for blurred vision and eyestrain at the computer is binocular dysfunction, in which condition a prism power may be added to your glasses.
- Causes and treatments of low vision
The term low vision can refer to various vision conditions, such as partial sight, uncorrectable sight, tunnel vision, blind spots, legal blindness and almost total blindness.
- A variety of means to ease computer eye strain
About 50% to 90% of computer workers are being affected by bothersome CVS symptoms such as eye strain. Researches have revealed that this discomfort can cause physical fatigue, decreased productivity and increased work mistakes. The following is a detailed introduction on how to address CVS.
- Outdoor low vision devices
Individuals with low vision problems may experience certain inconvenience and even difficulty during outdoor activities varying from shopping to simple walking. Fortunately, there are a wide variety of low vision devices that offer help.