Guide to Contact Lenses

Prosthetic contact lenses for disfigured eye

As their name suggests, prosthetic contact lenses are created to decorate disfigured eyes. They either mask eye flaws by trauma and eye diseases or block excess light for abnormally functioning eyes. Prosthetic contacts can provide a healthy eye appearance using custom-painted colors. They have no special difference in materials and care methods with regular contact lenses.

Must-knows about contact lenses

Contact lenses provide fashion expression and a complete vision field suitable for sports without apparent eyeglasses, and eliminate the need for irreversible refractive surgery. Among vision correction ways for myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism, contact lenses have gained a 20% share in US.

Wearing contact lenses for prolonged time

According to wearing schedules, contact lenses have two types: daily wear and extended wear. The difference lies in that extended wear requires no removal before sleeping so that they can provide a clear vision as soon as you wake up. Extended wear contacts are designed to permit more oxygen on the cornea, which should get prior approval from FDA. While most extended wear contact lenses are made for continuous seven days wearing, silicone hydrogel-made ones can last up to 30 days without removal. This type is also available in RGPs. Thanks to technological improvement; extended wear contacts are comfortable during the full time period.

Contact lenses for teens

Many teens prefer contact lenses to eyeglasses primarily for appearance reasons. They think that they look much better with contact lenses and self-esteem can be established. Another very important reason is the convenience brought by contact lenses. Wearing contact lenses during sports can give teens clearer peripheral vision without worry about the breakage of eyeglasses. Of course, a contact lens may be dislodged or lost, but replacing a contact lens is much cheaper than replacing a pair of glasses. And children spending much more time playing outdoors than adult are vulnerable to harmful UV rays. It is very convenient if they choose contact lenses because they only need to carry a pair of sunglasses. Contacts lenses can also correct astigmatism.

Contact lenses evaluation for kids

Compared with eyeglasses, contact lenses have a lot of advantages. They can provide better peripheral vision and improve your performance in sports. With contact lenses, you don’t need to worry about the bad aspect of eyeglasses that are prone to breakage. Many contact lenses, such as gas permeable (GP) lenses, offer better optics than eyeglasses.

Contact lenses for special eye problems

Some people have special eye problems and are not suitable to wear contacts. They require particular fitting by ECPs. Some ECPs specialize in these hard-to-fit patients. They provide more expertise and advanced equipments for contacts fitting.

Contact lenses for personalized needs

People may need customized contact lenses if they have special eyes or high astigmatism, or they just need additional comfort and particular clear vision. Both RGPs and soft lenses are available for people’s personalized needs.

Contact lenses applying techniques

Both experienced and newbie wearers may have specific problems with contact lenses. One of the common problems is inside-out lens, even though it never brings any damage. When the lens on your finger forms a “U” with the top edges flared out, rather than a perfect “U”, it is inside out. Some contact lenses offer a handling tint or brand laser marking to help you see them easily.

Asymmetric monovision contact lenses

Unlike bifocal contact lenses, a monovision-treated lens has only one power. Since bifocal contact lenses have two focal points on a single lens, people may take a period of time to adjust to the power change during vision switch. The fitting technique monovision provides another effective solution to prescription eyes.

Wearing contact lenses may lead to Acanthamoeba Keratitis

Contact lenses always need careful cleaning and storing. If the wearer has poor health habits, a serious infection named Acanthamoeba may be aroused, which is very difficult to treat. To prevent this bothering infection, contact lenses wearers must follow the codes required by doctors and manufacturers.
