Asymmetric monovision contact lenses
Article Tags: Contact Lenses, monovision
Unlike bifocal contact lenses, monovision contacts are of single-vision type. Since bifocal contact lenses have two focal points on a single lens, people may take a period of time to adjust to the power change during a vision switch. The eyes usually take a certain period to adapt to power changes in a single lens. Monovision contact lenses completely eliminate this task. Modern opticians and eye doctors have developed a contact lens fitting technique named monovision, which provides another effective solution to presbyopic eyes. Using monovision contact lenses, it is also possible for the presbyopic to get clear vision at two distances.
What is exactly monovision fitting?
First of all, it is necessary to make clear that monovision is a technique of contact lens fitting, rather than a concrete product. Taking this fitting technique, you can wear a contact lens for distance vision on your dominant eye and another lens for close vision on the other eye. With proper coordination, the two eyes perform well in seeing at all distances, creating acceptable and comfortable vision. Although monovision is rarely used, it fits most of the people without awareness of “distance eye” or “close eye”. Once getting used to monovision contact lenses, the two eyes will coordinate to see close-up and distant objects as well as bifocal contact lenses. It is no longer to use bifocals which have an abrupt power division and an ugly line.
Two modified versions of monovision
Two monovision variations are designed to meet personal vision demands. First type is mini-monovision. Some people may find that standard monovision can not provide clear distance vision. Mini-monovision adds a slight magnifying power to the close lens. People with mini-monovision can get a perfect vision if they spend much of their time on distance vision and only a little time for close vision. The other variation is modified monovision, which combines a single vision lens for the distance eye and a bifocal lens for the close eye. This version offers satisfying distance vision as well as acceptable close vision.
Surgical significance
Monovision contact lenses can also be used as a test for refractive surgeries, such as LASIK, conductive keratoplasty and so on. These surgeries may realize monovision for your eyes. But a prior two-week test of wearing monovision contact lenses is necessary. This prior test will check whether you are a good candidate to a monovision LASIK. If the eyes can get quickly used to monovision contact lenses, the LASIK will be very probably successful. Such a practice helps guarantee a good surgical outcome.
Coordination and cost concerns
Monovision sometimes leads certain patients to a dilemma that it may bring neither perfect distance vision nor clear close vision. In addition, the two eyes may be not in perfect coordination so that depth perception is affected. Monovision contact lenses’ fitting requires more skills and more time. The wearer’s vision dissatisfaction can be magnified even by a slight change in the lens power, which may also spend several days to adjust. In this consideration, monovision contact lenses fitting may mostly charge twice the fee for fitting standard contact lenses. Due to the disappointing aspects of monovision contacts, it is necessary to ask an eye doctor for more information about the differences between monovision and bifocal lenses, and then choose the better one for personal needs.
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