Rigid gas permeable contact lenses caring system

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The currently prevailing contact lens products can be divided into two main categories with a consideration of lens material. Soft contact lenses are now widely used for astigmatism correction and presbyopia correction. This type of contact lenses has been long enjoying the reputation that they bring comfortable visual experience more quickly than other types of contacts. It is definitely true that visual comfort is a common consideration made by customers. Well, the other prevailing group is rigid gas permeable (RGP) contact lenses that feature sharper vision, longer replacement interval, and higher deposit resistance. Even with these advantages, RGPs still need regular cleaning and replacement as your doctor demands. In this article, we discuss in detail caring for RGP contacts.

Single-purpose solutions or multipurpose solution

There are caring systems available for RGPs: combining a disinfection or storage solution and a cleaning solution, or using a single bottle of multipurpose solution for cleaning, disinfecting and storage. They are similar to that of soft lenses. The initial way to clean GPs was using tap water, which was also approved by FDA. Nevertheless, this method is opposed by eye doctors today, because of the potential risk of developing eye infections caused by microorganisms contained in tap water.

Cleaning steps of RGPs

Rigid gas permeable contact lenses caring systemRGPs’ cleaning process consists of several steps, which are strictly ordered. Firstly, wash and dry your hands completely. Secondly, remove the right lens and put it in the palm. Thirdly, rub the lens using cleaning drops. Fourthly, rinse the lens carefully. The fifth step is to store the lens in fresh solution. The left lens should follow the same steps. Sometimes, an enzymatic cleaner may be used to achieve better protein removal. And a rewetting solution can perform as a lubricant for more comfort.

Care for lens case

Contact lens cases should be replaced at least every three months since they may be contaminated by bacteria and organisms. Besides the lenses themselves, the case also needs good care, including cleaning, rinsing, air-dry and using exclusive care solutions, rather than water. Imagine the consequences of putting clean contact lenses in an infected case. Most eye care practitioners would claim that the care for lens case is equally important.

Improper practices of RGPs caring

There are some mistakes of caring for rigid gas permeable contact lenses, such as using soft lenses solutions as an alternative and taking RGPs from generic or store brands. These improper practices may unfortunately lead to eye redness or even an eye infection. In contrast, good care of RGPs will bring more comfort, money saving, eye problems reduction as well as pleasant wearing experience.